Luminate Blog

safe wifi

5 Tips to Help Safeguard Your Wireless Network

By Luminate / December 14, 2022 /

Practice the fine art of self defense Most homes today have a myriad of devices connected to their wireless networks-from PCs and laptops to tablets and phones, plus doorbells, security cameras, smart speakers, and much more. Unfortunately, the convenience that wireless networks bring may also allow nefarious entities to collect personal and financial information, steal…

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working from home

Essentials for Your Home Office

By Luminate / December 14, 2022 /

What makes a home office workable? In an ideal world, you have a designated space in your home in which to work. While it might be necessary for some to operate from their bedrooms or the kitchen table, we don’t advise this solution unless you have no other options. It’s better for your mental health…

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tech terms

The Top 10 Tech Terms You Should Know

By Luminate / December 14, 2022 /

If you’ve spent any time on the internet, you’ve probably heard (or even said yourself) phrases like “clear your cache” or words like “HTTP” and “byte.” But have you ever taken a second to wonder what it all really means? We know you’ve got lots going on in your day-to-day life…so we did the research…

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Building Stronger Connections

By Luminate / December 14, 2022 / Comments Off on Building Stronger Connections

‘Tis the season for joy, good cheer, and quality family time. The kids are home from school, extended family may be coming to visit, and there are plenty of gingerbread cookies to bake and memories to be made. Whether you’re celebrating with loved ones far or near, a strong internet connection can help you have…

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